Sunday, 28 February 2010

I had a dream...

NOTE: When I started writing this, it seemed like a "good" idea. Now I have written it, it seems a shame not to publish, even though this is a post of a dream I had, and as such the lowest point a blogger can reach.

So. Last night I had a dream. Wayne Rooney and I were carrying a football goal into the middle of a field. We put it down, found our football and started playing. However, before long, there was this earthquake, and the ground started crack. We had two cars, and for some reason decided to split up. The ground was now collapsing around my car, and the road was now in a rainforest. Then there were these scientists fighting mercenaries, you could tell they were scientists because of their lab coats, and the mercenaries were winning, but I scared them off.. I can't remember how but I assume it was beacuse my car was a transformer.

Anyhoo, the scientists were all dead, except for one, who said they were protecting this egg, and that I needed to get it to the University of Bolivia. So I got in a plane, with the scientist, at a runway that was behind the trees, and then my brother phoned me (even though the phone reception must be poor at 30,000 feet), and told me that it was snowing in london, and that this was connected somehow, but he couldn't explain why over the phone, and would meet me at the University. (Of Bolivia).

So, we got the to university. And we got the egg to the science lab, and it started to crack, and all these crazy tentacles started to come out! And the scientist told me to run! And so I ran! But I had no idea where to go, but the tentacles kept chasing me.

See this is the middle act of my dream and abolsutley nothing happens. It is just me running through a building trying to escape from these crazy tentacles. Frankly, any decent editor would cut it down, but it kept going for ages.

So, the scientist phones me, and tells me to get to room 314 to kill the monster. And I am now trapped in a classroom, which has a small window in the corner. I try to get out, but just before I can, the tentacles come in, and I have to sneak past, 'cos they are like the monsters in half life that have no eyes and only attack on sound. Anyhoo, I stay quiet, the monsters decide I must not be here, and move on. So I go through the window on the other side, but before I jump I see that the drop is like 20 feet! Ah! But the monsters are behind me, and I know room 314 is down this way. But still, it is a long drop.

So I hang off the window ledge, and then I drop, and I land in the middle of a basketball game. I then I run off the basketball court, outside and across a field, (the weather is now a storm for some reason) and back to the science lab, which now has room 314 in the corner.

So I go to the door...

And I open the door...

And then I wake up.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Fate intervened...

There us a reason why Man Utd won the Carling Cup. It is not, as it would appear to most common observers, the magnificence of Wayne Rooney. In fact, it was the Universe making sure that Villa did not win. Why? Because if they had won, this would have been their victory song.

Seriously, I need to warn you. Being forced to listen to this is considered toture under EU law. Choosing to listen to this, with the excpetion of ironic reasons, carries the death penalty. It is horrific.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Time Management

So, what things have I accomplished in my big "weekend-of-work"... what with this big essay due tomorrow morning...

+Started watching season 4 of How I Met Your Mother. (Barney in old man make-up!)
+Watched the (live!) anniversary episode of Eastenders, where the muderer was revealed.
+Did some (white!) laundry.
+Saw Manchester United lose to Everton. (Save us Rooney!)
+Spent longer cooking (and washing up!) than was wise.
+Watched The Hurt Locker. (Epic film!)
+Started a game of GalCiv. (Slowly winning an inter-galactic war of attrition!)
+Played football (It was cold!) for about two hours, up on campus.
+Went to the pub. (Yay!)
+Watched Community. (It was the Xmas special!)
+Slept in far later than planned. (I regret nothing!)
+Wrote this...

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Mass Effect Ending

So, I am still playing Mass Effect. Other things have happened, but they all plae in importance when compared to the life of Commander Shepard. All will probably talk more about it once I am finished.

Anyhoo, for now, enjoy this: "Earlier today, Gabe from Penny Arcade let the world (of Twitter) know he had beaten Mass Effect 2. Stating that he made numerous decisions that weren’t necessarily the best, Gabe’s opinion of the game was still extremely positive. Shortly thereafter, Gabe tweeted about losing something by the end of the game, without fully disclosing details. A number of Tweets accusing him of spoiling the ending of the game led to his Tweet explaining himself:

cwgabriel: every persons game will be different. There are a hundred different decisions to make. There is no way I could spoil your specific game.

This immediately led to one of the most impressive efforts of Penny Arcade fans. A number of fake Mass Effect 2 endings began popping up around the interwebs stating potential endings for ME2."

Here be some of the best:

At the end if ME2 you discover Shepard was a ghost the whole time.

Shepard trades in the Normandy for the Heart of Gold, and goes off in search of the Question to the Ultimate Answer.

Shepard discovers the princess was in another castle.

Shepard is writing cheques his body can't cash.

Shepard is actually the Man in Black AND the Smoke Monster!

Shepard discovers he is inside the Matrix.

The game is going really well, and folks are just starting to get into where the plot may go. Then Fox go and cancel the series.

Shepard, I know you saved the galaxy, and imma let you finish, but Call of Duty had one of the best endings of all time.

Shepard had the power to beat the collectors all along, he just had to believe in himself.

At the end of Mass Effect 2, you find out that Shepard is Kaiser Soze!

Then he goes back to Omega, sees the blown up statue of liberty, and find out it was Earth all along.

Shepard kills Dumbledore.

At the end of Mass Effect 2 you find out that Shepard is Shepard's father.

Shepard gets a letter, turns out Doc is in the year 1887 and isn't really dead! Fire up the Delorean and gun it to 88mph!


In order to escape a Collector ambush, Joker takes the Normandy through the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs.

Shepard is the final Cylon!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Clash... of the Titans!

So, not too long to go now until we get to watch Clash of the Titans. A 21st century remake, using CGI! Ha! Take that, stop-motion monsters! Feel the power of computerz!

What I want from this film is Greek Transformers. A battle involving an army vs 3 giant scorpions. The Kraken destroying a city. Medusa.

Oh, and the music in the second half of the tralier kicks-ass.

But, of course I do fear it going horribly wrong. It could be crazy long, boring as heel, have confusing action and just be a horrible jumble of stuff.

But... I remain cautiously hopeful.