Tuesday, 31 August 2010

My gift to you.

Here is a picture of an Ewok. In a Delorean.

Now you are that one step closer to having seen eveything.

So. Yeh.

Have you ever noticed.... wait...

... I had something for this.

Oh, well. I was going to write something here, but everytime I started to write, it turned out to be crap, and my own incredibly low standards just would not let me post.

This is coming from the guy who once wrote about some random dream he had, where nothing even really happened, and has now just tricked you into reading a post where he announces he has nothing to say.


Friday, 27 August 2010


It seems that while I was away, an big story broke.

Triceratops, for all two of you who have forgotten, is the coolest of dinosaurs. It is the one which has three horns... one on the nose, like a Rhino, and two over the eyes, looking like someone who's put hairgel on their incredibly long eyebrows and is now using them as a weapon.

They were the coolest.

But scientists have come to a shocking realisation. The new theory is that Triceratops were not actually Triceratops at all, but actually juvenile Torosaurs. This explains why no adult fossilised Triceratops has ever been found.

Now, we already now that cases of mistaken prehistoric identity are common, but I never thought it would hit the coolest of them all. The Han Solo of the Dinosaurs.

And so the curse of Jurrasic Park strikes again. Is science determined to prove everything from that movie wrong?

Thursday, 19 August 2010

I'm Back

Don't worry people. I have returned. And only mildly sunburnt.

Saturday, 7 August 2010


Crap... I didn't realise it was that massive before...

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

A Song Of Fire And Ice

I just started reading A Game Of Thrones, and it is very, very epic. If it keeps up like this, it will be getting the first Best Book You're Not Reading.

This book is the first in the Song of Fire and Ice series, which is written by George R R Martin, and is set in a fictional medieval land, which acts very much like War of The Roses England. The book is about the key families in the royal court, and the power struggle that is emerging. That may not sound as good as it is, and I assure you, I am just selling it short, because it is truly amazing. Anyhoo, more of this to come once I have finished.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that the book is amazing, and there is a TV adaptation coming next year, which you should really keep an eye out for.

Game of Thrones. Remember that name.